The Controversial Presidency — How the media took a senile man and made him President

Published on Sep 23, 2021 by Thacker Broadcasting

Controversy is something we’re not new to. And neither is the Biden Administration. Last week, President Joe Biden announced that any business with 100 or more employees must get everyone vaccinated, or show negative COVID tests at least once a week, or face fines up to $14,000 per infraction.

The absurdity is outrageous, and the irony almost palpable. So how is Joe Biden able to do this without mass outrage? The answer is simple — he isn’t.

Biden claims that the US Department of Labor is drafting the emergency declaration that will be implemented through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA. However, OSHA has expressed that they simply don’t have the authority to force American citizens to make a medical decision they don’t agree with — that’s not what OSHA’s job is. And while the Biden Administration keeps touting various levels of power that they simply do not have, laws are being passed on these matters without public opinion or approval. All in the name of “Public Health”.

COVID has become such a politicized topic that has divided the Republicans from the Democrats more than President Trump ever did. So much so that Biden’s approval rating has tanked to just above 40%, the lowest approval rating so far with the administration. And it’s steadily declining.

But wasn’t Biden the most popular presidential candidate? Isn’t that why he won the election? Surely he couldn’t get elected with that sort of approval rating! The answer is quite simple, and Democrats refuse to acknowledge them — the media, and the behind-the-scenes.

With election audits coming to a close in swing states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, it’s becoming more and more clear that something weird went on in those states during the election period. Democrats have declared time and time again that Trump was spouting unsupported claims about the election being stolen. And while they may have been far-fetched at best, the election no longer holds the legitimacy it once did.

The media has been largely blamed for influencing elections in the past. However, this last election showed just how much influence they can have. After criticizing every little thing Trump did, whether it was good or bad, Biden graced the political landscape again and he could do no wrong in their eyes. Trump was a threat to them and their integrity, stating what thousands of Americans have come to realize — you’re fake news.

By taking everything political, and twisting it to fit their political narrative, the mainstream media was able to paint Trump as a dictator, a racist, a xenophobe, among several other titles. Trump’s entire history was dug up, lives were ruined at the cost of the media painting Trump in a bad light. But they didn’t care, and they still don’t. After all, they were protecting their integrity.

However, once Biden appeared, he could do no wrong in their eyes. A sudden shift in the narrative captured people’s attention and captivated them. Several times it was declared that Trump was terrible, and Biden was a godsend. “Biden can fix the country,” they said. “Vote blue!”

Now, nine months into the presidential disaster, the media is running out of nice things to say about the sitting President. He won’t answer their questions. He, while inadvertently, killed several hundred Americans by botching the Afghanistan withdrawal, including thirteen service members. Then he proceeded to drone the wrong guy — an Afghan ally nonetheless — to bring a show of power back to his administration. And how did the media respond?

“The Afghanistan airport explosion happened under Biden but traces back to Trump” (NBC News)

“Stop Blaming Biden for Afghanistan. He’s Cleaning Up Trump’s Mess” (Newsweek)

Blame Trump! He’s the one that started the withdrawal! It’s his fault! He killed those Americans!

While true that Trump started the withdrawal, Trump had nothing to do with the complete botch that only the Biden administration could facilitate. But there were flaws in that logic, and the majority of people saw through it: how could the Trump administration be to blame when they weren’t in office? How could you blame somebody for something that they haven’t had control over for almost eight months? Nobody could answer that, and the narrative was quickly dropped, never to be spoken of again.

After that disaster, the administration thought they could mend broken trust amongst the people. Biden needed to visit the families of those service members that had been killed; they had given the Ultimate Sacrifice. But several of these visits to families were turned down, citing that they didn’t want to meet the man who was responsible for the highly avoidable fiasco, the one responsible for them never being able to see their loved one again.

Those that did accept the visit stated that Biden only wanted to talk about his son Beau, and paid little to no regard for their loss. Another PR disaster.

And as a symbolic nail in the coffin, as the service member’s remains were brought back to American soil, Biden didn’t even have the dignity to pay them the respect they so deserved. Instead, he was more worried about what time it was, checking his watch after every transfer. His thoughts consisted exclusively of “When’s ice cream?”.

The media tried to run a cover of this, even doing a “fact check” stating that he hadn’t checked his watch every time, only three. However, that article was retracted several days later due to video evidence showing the opposite, and the outlet was forced to apologize.

The media’s love for Democrats has shown for several years, since at least the Obama presidency. And they’ve recently shown just how low they will stoop to get the candidates they want to be elected, and how much they are willing to lie to get you to believe their stories. After all, you’re just a peasant who gives them money and does whatever they say.

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COVID Vaccination: The New Religion

“You’re not welcome here.” That’s the message you’ll most likely get in any majority liberal area if you are not currently ‘vaccinated’ against Covid-19. I say vaccinated in air quotes only because the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from contracting or spreading the virus. Instead, it provides a “layer of defense” against the virus that is far weaker than what your immune system can provide. But in today’s world, natural immunity is no longer spoken of and is only a figment of your delusional imagination.

The new standards set by the government are absurd. “Get the jab or lose your job” is the new standard, causing the crisis in the supply chain due to a lack of workers, and a new crisis that may hit the military in the coming weeks due to members refusing the jab. Why work when the government is handing out your paycheck to other able-bodied workers? Why work when you can be the recipient of another worker’s paycheck? After all, it’s a lot easier for you. And still, the government wonders why we are having a crisis.

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But remember, he’s our President and you’re not allowed to badmouth a Democratic President. If you do, you’re labeled a domestic terrorist. Especially if you go against the liberal ideologies the school boards are wanting to teach your children. Oh, and you’re not allowed to tell the school boards what they can and cannot teach your kids. That’s rude, and you will be labeled a domestic terrorist by the Department of Justice. But it’s not rude to post a picture of a look-alike severed head of the current president in 2017. That was in the taste of comedy, right?

But back to Covid.

Dr. Fauci has given the green light for all Halloween traditions, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. But it’s too early to tell for Christmas, according to the liberal Lord. Many Americans have given the finger to Fauci, Biden, and the whole circus currently in charge of this country, doing what they want, when they want, and how they want. After all, they’re American citizens with the freedom to do that.

But liberals don’t want you to think like that. Years ago, they were the party of resistance, where you joined to resist what others told you. You resisted the government. You resisted capitalism (for some reason). Now, they are the party of ‘tolerance’… unless you don’t agree with them. They are the party of ‘acceptance’… unless you go against their specific beliefs (i.e., being gay and conservative). They are the party where ‘you need to follow the experts’… when the experts don’t even know what is going on. And you can only follow who they deem to be ‘experts’.

Recently, documents have come out detailing the lab experiments that were being conducted on dogs within a lab in Tunisia. Scientists there, under the direction of Fauci, have been injecting beagles with disease-causing parasites in the name of science. But don’t worry, he’s an ‘expert’ that lied to Congress under oath. All praise! But make sure you have your St. Fauci candle lit while you do so.

The entire premise that Fauci was built upon has only gone to show that those in power will say and do anything to stay in power. Fauci has been in his position of Director of the NIH since 1984, ironically when George Orwell’s book is set that warns us of the US government attempting to turn into an authoritarian state.

Now, with several lawsuits filed against the sitting president and many of his associates for various reasons, many relating to the Covid vaccine mandate, American citizens who aren’t consumed by the mainstream media wonder “what happens now?”. The answer is to hold your ground, keep fighting, and give them nothing. They’ve taken way too much, and it’s time to take it back.

Clear as Mud - the Biden Administration's promise to be transparent

During the presidential race, then-candidate Joe Biden promised that his administration would be transparent on every matter. After all, We The People control the government and deserve to know what is going on. However, as with so many things involving the administration, that has shown to be a complete lie.

The most recent demonstration of withholding information involves the Haitian migrants at the southern U.S. border, of which an estimated 14,000 camped out underneath an overpass near Del Rio, Texas. The Biden Administration was determined to remove the Haitians from the terrible conditions of the area. So, they vowed to… release the majority of them in the U.S. without requiring them to obtain citizenship?

In addition, Biden criticized his own Border Patrol agents after images showing agents on horseback were misconstrued and believed to show that whips were being used. Several photographers who were there stated that the supposed “whips” were just the reins used to control the horses. But the Biden Administration pressed on with the false narrative, stating that they will “make them pay”.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time the Biden Administration has done something absurd and it certainly won’t be the last. More and more examples of this “clear as mud” transparency come from the White House. As more and more Americans either concede and receive the Covid vaccination or stand staunch with refusal, everyone is becoming warier of the advice and guidance offered by those we look to for leadership. Many question the logic of a “[war] between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated”. And more and more are questioning “If I’m vaccinated, why do I care if the other is?” The administration assures you that it’s because you can still transmit Covid and you can still fall ill to the virus despite being vaccinated.

The hypocrisy and criticism to questioning is being more and more scrutinized, which draws a new set of questions. But of course, we’re not able to ask those questions. “Follow the science” they so eagerly declare. Yet they ignore the science when it involves another heartbeat, another human being, can be terminated without its consent. “My body, my choice” they scream. Yet when you decline to receive the vaccination, it suddenly becomes “not a matter of freedom” and “you’re killing grandma”.

Asking questions is considered to be the worst thing you can do according to the Democratic party. The Biden administration expects that we’ll follow blindly. They forget a majority issue with that: the American people don’t follow blindly. Yet, they hold out hope.

Recently, a panel of CDC scientists reached a 16-2 consensus that Americans did not need any booster shots, at least for the foreseeable future. However, the director of the CDC, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, overruled the panel, allowing boosters to be administered to those considered to be “high-risk” and frontline workers, further muddying the waters on whose telling the truth.

Transparency has never been something the Biden’s have been good at, though. A recent report by the Congressional Research Service revealed that the sitting president owes up to $500K in back taxes. The report came out just days after Biden stated that everyone “needs to pay their fair share”. Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop also reveal a connection between them while in the White House in 2015 and China.

The Biden’s — and Democrats — will lie to make anything fit their narrative so they can get what they want. They’re worse than the playground bullies you dealt with in elementary school. In comparison, though, those bullies are significantly smarter.